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I've been watching too much television lately as it is, so I've not managed to add Nikita to the roster of programs currently competing for DVR space in my cable box. I'm not giving up an episode of The Human Target, no matter how enticing Maggie Q might be.Unfortunately this means I missed last night's Mortal Kombat cameo, but thanks to the replica DKNY NY4249 Ladie's watch folks at PixelEnemy and the magic of the internet, I was able to check it out this morning and share it with you people.”It's happened again: I spent 100 hours on Dragon Quest IX and I'm running out of things to do before I can just go beat the game.

Funny thing is, I probably never will.I have a problem finishing games, and I'm not alone.???It doesn't make a lot of sense. I've poured tons of time into Dragon Quest IX this year, carefully tailoring my characters' vocations, exploring extra grottoes with the aim of getting stronger and accumulating rare items, and going to absurd lengths to gather replica DKNY NY4273 Ladie's watch materials I need to alchemize special clothes for my little team of heroes. What's it all been for, if not for that one final battle that the story's been leading to all along??The games in which I invest the most time are the ones I'm least likely to complete.It happens to me all the time.

The games in which I invest the most time are the ones I'm least likely to complete. And when I griped about this on Twitter, I heard from an overwhelming number of people who said my phenomenon is something they also experience, much to their own bafflement and frustration.?My Precious Time, Curiously SpentWe hear so much about how precious is our time these days, and how the amount of attention we have replica DKNY NY3408 Ladie's watch available to invest in massive, sprawling video game experiences?is ever-diminishing as we grow older and the obligations of life encroach. Which means if I'm spending 60, 80, 100 hours or more on a game like Dragon Quest IX, then I have less time to devote to the barrage of new titles I want and need to play for the year's end. ?This makes me anxious, even guilty.