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The fallout caused serious embarrassment for the women and Chen, and the ordeal was covered by the international press.Chen released a video apologizing for what happened. He was dropped by sponsors like Pepsi, Levis and Samsung and left the entertainment industry that year, planning to depart “indefinitely”.This year, Chen returned. He is replica DKNY NY3496 WoMen's watch working on new music and back to endorsements. But among his first endorsements isn't a new camera or a pair of jeans, but a video game convention. Chen is the face of the Asia Game Show, which runs later this month in Hong Kong.

Previously, Chen was involved with the 2005 Asia Game Show.Besides appearing in promotional material for the show, Chen will be performing, covering Michael Jackson's “Man in the Mirror”. The song sums up Chen's experiences during the past two years, replica DKNY Brown Ion-Plated Crystal-Twist Band WoMen unlike “Man in Front of the Mirror with a Digital Camera”, which sums up the years before.[singpao via 178.com] [Pic]"By Virtual Shackles, via Gizmodo."Microsoft's internal news crew Channel 9 recently paid Xbox HQ a visit, bringing a camera along for the ride. If you've ever wanted to see what the place that runs the Xbox looks like, well, you are about to.

While there's nothing particularly scandalous, nor revelatory about the footage, it's still nice seeing this kind of stuff. Anyone who has had multiple broken 360s, for example, must imagine the building to be a black maw stretching beyond the very depths of hell, its eternal furnace fed by your souls and the scratched game discs that you bring replica DKNY NY3902 WoMen's watch down with you.Turns out it's just an office building, full of people who drink coffee and eat at the building cafeteria.”You know in Predator how the creature is able to cloak itself in the surroundings and appear almost invisible?